Wednesday, January 20, 2010

IT'S TIME FOR AN OVERVIEW: my list of one-liner thoughts for today

* It has been one year since Barack Obama became President; the polls are shaky but I'm still optimistic.

* I'm okay with Tiger Woods returning to the tournaments; his personal life will take years to mend, but he shouldn't let his talents get rusty.

* I like Mark Murray, Deputy Political Director for NBC; his balanced blog today at First Read is worth reading.

* Hillary Clinton has done a commendable job as Secretary of State; her quiet, firm hand has helped rebuild confidence in the U.S. internationally.

* It's time for NBC-TV, Conan O'Brien, and Jay Leno to stop getting so much press; it's only a TV show.

* My favorite NCAA basketball team, the Syracuse Orange,is inspiring; I refuse to jinx them by speculating on such things as Final Four or NCAA Championship.

* I'm ready for Spring.

* Regarding the loss of the Senate Seat in Massachusetts: when pointing fingers how about those really good, qualified, potential Democratic candidates who wouldn't step up to allow themselves to be nominated?

* Yesterday it was announced that the Boston Red Sox pitchers and catchers are headed to Florida for early Spring Training; can a season be far behind?

* Vincent "Buddy" Cianci in public office again? You have to be kidding.

* The original Tea Party patriots dressed as Native Americans when dumping tea into Boston Harbor; I'm trying to picture Rush Limbaugh in a loincloth.

* I was pleased that Meryl Streep won a Golden Globe award; she is amazing.

* Chris Dodd (D-CT) did the right thing; it's a model for some other Democrats: secure a good successor and then get out.

* The Governor of North Dakota is the longest-serving Governor right now, having been elected in 2001; can you believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger has served in California only since 2003?

* I just finished John Grisham's book of short stories, Ford Country; I liked it.

* This getting up before dawn to write this blog has got to stop; I keep falling asleep over lunch; it's embarrassing in a restaurant!


  1. All good points. And I'd agree: before dawn is a bit much ... but the blog?? Are you making a statement about commitment to the blog?? For myself, I'm thinking MWF a.m. for 50 minutes — like a typical college class — might be enough. Or I must MAKE it enough, if it's not to consume me. Gotta cut back (while maintaining structure), as with many things ... and no "classes" on weekends ... but that's just me. I hope YOU aren't making a statement about commitment to The Penultimate Word ...

  2. Ha!!! I loved this post! Great afternoon read...

  3. For Betty:

    No, I'm not giving up on Penultimate the contrary...I'm taking it to the next level of exposure. I don't want to blow the excitement of what's coming...just keep watching. And yes, it will continue to be a daily blog. Got your curiosity????
