Friday, October 30, 2009


a bass line continually repeated.


You don't have to be a musicologist to have appreciation for the basso ostinato, a Latin term for a short, but strong, theme which plays continually throughout either a portion of a piece of music or the entire piece. It is found frequently in fugues. The repetition of this bass line gives substance to the piece, and becomes like a heart beat behind the musical themes. Believe it or not, I learned about basso ostinato five decades ago when a student in college. For some reason it stuck with me, one of those unusual or unexplainable pieces of academic trivia which emerges at unique moments.

I tend to identify basso ostinato more as a metaphor these days, rather than a musical phenomenon. For me, it represents the strong, consistent voice of leadership which gives strength to other voices above it. Those voices may be strong, as well, or they may be scattered, emotional, or divergent. It depends a lot upon the genre of dialogue taking place, much like music depends upon its genre. There may be harmony (see previous posting) or there may be dissonance. It doesn't matter. The basso ostinato is persistent and dependable.

Given application to current legislative activity, basso ostinato can be either a powerful, progressive force leading the process toward a successful completion, or it can be a foot-dragging, negative force which deters forward movement.

To break this metaphor down to specifics, I attribute the presence of basso ostinato to President Obama, and choose to hear his persistent voice as that of one who has a long-term vision which could be diluted by short-term objections which fail to embrace the larger picture. Obviously, others might disagree with me, depending upon their political or economic perspectives. I understand that.

Having experienced decades of dependence upon other criteria for decision-making, I am enthusiastic about the hope and vision represented by the President's continuously repeated voice of reason which speaks of sacrifice in this moment for the purpose of establishing a foundation for the future. The fugue continues above the bass line, some of which speaks with reason and hope as well. Perhaps harmony will bring about a masterpiece.


  1. On top of the depth — great depth — there is the simplicity of learning/focusing on a single word every day. And you manage to make it personal, too. A little. Just enough. And political. Even a tad preachy — in the best sense of THAT word. I just love it.

  2. preach·y (prē'chē)
    adj. preach·i·er, preach·i·est
    Inclined or given to tedious and excessive moralizing; didactic

    Oh, dear. That is NOT what you do. To my mind, "preachy" also means inspirational, hopeful and/or presenting a perspective based upon educated morality, i.e., preacher-like ... a GOOD thing.

  3. I couldn't help but think of that piece on the Obama's marriage in the NYT ( as I read this...applying the idea of basso ostinato to the Obama marriage too...

  4. It's a Great' heart beat....
    This post is well written, it was easy to read.
    And it progresses in a thoughful focused manner...
