Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Let's Get Political (3)

MODERATE: implies merely the absence of excesses and extremes. (Webster's New World Dictionary)

It will be helpful if you imagine a 12 inch ruler when reading this posting. I am going to undertake the task of trying to describe the elusive position of moderate in today's political realm.

If, according to some, moderates are simply those who can't make up their minds as to whether they are conservative or liberal, then moderate is the 6" point on the ruler. It is a fragile point at which a slip can land the person in one or the other of the neighboring camps.

If, however, you envision the ruler as being divided into three portions, 1-4 being liberal and 9-12 being conservative, it allows you to see the moderate position as being a range between 5 and 8. That depiction lends itself to granting the same variations among moderates as I have already described among liberals and conservatives. I think it is a legitimate depiction of this rapidly-growing phenomenon in US politics known as the "moderate branch."

In theology scholars grapple with a similar concept called "via media." It is a Latin term meaning "the middle way." Some choose to see it as a fragile point at which one is incapable of making up his or her mind about a theological issue. I join others who see "the via media" as a boulevard as opposed to a path. It encompasses a wide swath of thinking, drawing at times from those on either side, and, at times, creating unique positions.

In politics a moderate may be one who is drawn to the social benefits of legislation while, at the same time, wanting to approach the social needs with careful preparation and respect for traditional stances and constitutional requirements. A moderate may well embrace legislation of either side, but only with a sense of integrity for some stipulations from the other.

In the current Health Care Reform debates, moderates have played a huge role in shaping the proposed legislation. Their embrace of details on both sides, as well as unique suggestions from their own hearts and minds has been significant. Some say this signals the birth of a movement to create a third political party in US politics. Perhaps. But the moderates may well play a more significant part by being the temperate members of existing parties.



  1. OHHH JEDWORD, Love it, i can't get past the third paragraph without talking out loud to myself ..."Their embrace of details on both sides, as well as unique suggestions from their own hearts and minds has been significant. Some say this signals the birth of a movement to create a third political party in US politics. Perhaps. But the moderates may well play a more significant part by being the temperate members of existing parties." The last paragraph is inspiring hopeful.

    Economics’/politics during the past twenty-five years has been defined by "How many ways can we creatively enable, generate, market, economic growth from credit and debt, then grow future debt and future credit which will cost nothing because it is backed by the future growth of debt." Look what a moderate balance is becoming, popular.

    Let's gamble on your visions of future political trending. (i don't know if my opinion defines me as moderate, liberal or conservative?? i believe in credit backed by tangible assets that are 55%-65% greater than the maximum credit debt, program costs or deficit, and asset growth =spending)

  2. What do you call Senator Liberman?? a liberal conservative moderate?? Nice Bio...clear thoguhts nicely tied together...
